Episode Transcript
Hello and welcome to another episode of Worldwide Wonderful Women. I am your host, Paula Harris, and this podcast is for women who are all about learning how to live in God's divine power. It is produced on behalf of Transformed Worldwide Ministries. Thank you so much for being here.
Happy New Year!
Now you may be saying, Paula, you're late. It's February. I know. I did not do a podcast for January of this year. Before the beginning of each year, I normally sit quietly before the Lord and ask him what stays, what goes, and what needs to be improved concerning the ministry. I did not move on January because I didn't have an answer. In my life and ministry, I feel like Abraham; I'm not going to go unless the Lord goes with me.
Now it's important that we don't do things because we've always done them a certain way. God is alive and always creating. He has put that ability to create in us. We should be ever growing and experiencing fresh things in our lives. We should not be stagnant. Now the only way not to be stagnant is is to move and do fresh or new things.
So here we are in the New Year with my first time doing a double podcast for January and February. The title for this podcast is "Yes, You Have Blind Spots Too." Webster's Dictionary defines blind spot as a prejudice or ignorance that one has, but is often unaware of. Now let me repeat that. Blind spot is defined as a prejudice or ignorance that one has, but is often unaware of. Blind spots are aspects of our character or behavior that we're blind to even when they are clearly apparent to others. Now, we often lack awareness of our own flaws, sins, and areas of personal growth that need attention.
An example of this is when we drive our cars. We have blind spots when driving. These are areas in which we cannot see the cars around us. If someone is coming up on your side as you're driving, you know that you can see them in your rear or side view mirror. But there's a certain spot where they disappear. They're still there, but you can't see them in the mirror. This is a blind spot. Newer vehicles now have a light that appears on the rear view mirror to signal a car is in that blind spot so that you do not enter that lane and have an accident. Wouldn't it be neat if we had a light that shone up when we were experiencing a blind spot, when we were interacting with others? Well, we do. We have the Holy Spirit.
It takes revelation from the Holy Spirit to reveal these blind spots that are in need of his cleansing and transformation. He may even use a person or group to reveal these areas to us as well. God wants us to be holy as He is holy, so He will shine a light on these areas to expose them so that we are no longer blind to them.
I have something funny to share with you. You could not convince me that I would snore until William taped me and played it back to me in the morning, and we both fell out laughing. I was experiencing some sinus issues and was plain tired from the activities of the day before. And sure enough, I'm laughing. I'm sorry. Sure enough, he recorded me snoring. I thought about it during the day and I bust out laughing again.
Look, we all have blind spots or weaknesses that we cannot see or wouldn't believe of ourselves. Now, snoring is not a sin. I don't want you to think I'm saying that. I was just pointing out I was unaware that if conditions were right, I would snore. Well, many times it takes another to point out our blind spots for us to even consider something may be true of us, but the Holy Spirit has a depth of insight that no human being has and is able to reveal thoroughly and even heal that which causes weaknesses in our lives. Now, His motive is always pure because He's holy and He is God who loves us dearly. Some things we learn about ourselves may cause us not to laugh, but be deeply disturbed.
In Jeremiah, Chapter 17, verse 9, in the New Living Translation, it says, "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"
And then in Psalm 19, verse 12, in the New Living Translation, it says, "How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults."
Now listen, he says, cleanse me from these "hidden faults". If we knew the dark areas of our hearts, they would not be hidden or blind spots to us. Sometimes we do not see them until we grieve God or hurt someone else.
The concept of blindness in the Bible is often used metaphorically to represent spiritual ignorance or a lack of understanding God's will. Only through God's guidance and the work of the Holy Spirit can people truly see and address their blind spots. Even Christians seem to be blind to their prejudices about other churches, Bible studies, families, races, people's struggles, and I could go on and on. We can form opinions quick out of our fears, biases, preferences and rash judgments.
My granddaughter said, "Mom mom, my tummy hurts." I thought she was expressing her hunger with it being after school. Now once we were in the house and she had her muffin, she was fine. So I began to think it was her way of getting that muffin. Then I asked about this and found out that she was experiencing some motion sickness in the car. She really was having an upset tummy and was letting me know. She wasn't playing a game or trying to get her favorite muffin. It broke my heart when I found out the truth. I began to make an assumption that wasn't true. I wanted to cry not knowing that this is what she was experiencing. I had a blind spot in forming an opinion about her desiring that muffin. Now that I know, I'm aware of what to do to help her so that when she's in the car she doesn't have that upset tummy.
There are times we feel we know what is going on in the situation or with a person, and we're dead wrong. We're not God and we don't know everything no matter how wise we think we are. So then what are we to do about this? Let me give you some suggestions.
First of all, there needs to be self awareness. That's very crucial. Recognize that you have blind spots. This is the first step toward even addressing them.
Embrace humility, not pride. That goes a long way.
And then above all, practice solitude. Take moments to be still and quiet before God in prayer and in His Word so that He can help you become more aware of your thoughts, your attitudes and your behavior.
And then also seek outside feedback. Ask trusted friends and colleagues or mentors for honest feedback on your behavior and patterns and then learn diverse perspectives. Surround yourself with people who have different viewpoints to challenge your assumptions and expose potential blind spots. Be open to feedback or constructive criticism. Try to see things from other people's perspectives to better understand their experiences and identify areas where you might be blind to their needs.
And then reflect on your emotions. Pay attention to strong reactions that you have towards others as they might indicate areas where you need to look inwardly and to have an inward perspective. Triggers can reveal blind spots in us.
May we all have the humility to acknowledge that we're unaware of the depth of sin that lurks in our hearts. May we admit, "Yes, I have blind spots too."
There are times when we unintentionally commit sin and it exposes that we do indeed have blind spots. First John, Chapter 1, verses 8-10 says, "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Thank God He has made a way to victory through His Son, Jesus Christ. It's in Christ that our blind spots and all of our sins are forgiven and covered by His blood and redemptive work on the cross. In Jesus alone, we're made whole and able to receive revelation of our blind spots and deliverance from them too. So ask God to reveal your blind spots and give you the humility and grace to confess them. And if you have never asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, please, please go to the first page of our website and read the section on receiving new life in Jesus. And you can always contact us with any questions that you may have.
Well, until next month should our Lord tarry in His return, Smile, Jesus Loves You!
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